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The Media Spikes celebrate the context of creativity.

The work will need to demonstrate an inspiring and innovative implementation of media ideas, enhanced and amplified by a game-changing channel strategy that takes consumers on new journeys and unlocks new experiences.


A number of criteria will be considered during judging, weighted as follows: 30% insight and idea; 30% media strategy and targeting; 20% media execution; 20% impact and results.

The same piece of work can be entered up to three times in Media, not including section 'E: Excellence in Media Craft'. However, the same piece of work may only be entered once in ‘A. Media: Sectors’.

The work in section 'E: Excellence in Media Craft' can only be submitted and paid for by independent media agencies or companies owned by a media network or independent media network. The same piece of work can be entered only once in each category within this section.

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